It was Thursday, November 22nd 2012. I was getting ready to go to work when I glanced outside and I noticed that it was darker than it usually was at that time in the morning here in Dubai. I walked out the doors of my apartment building when all of a sudden I saw...drops of RAIN! Dubai is in the desert. People have told me so many times that rain is a very rare thing here. I've only been living here for 3 months and already, I've been able to witness rain twice! Now, to be honest, the first time was just a few tiny drops, but this time...DOWNPOUR!!! I was driving to work with two of my friends and colleagues and the rain was insane! For a short little while, I felt like I was in a rainstorm back in Canada. Unfortunately, most people here don't drive like the people back in Canada. On our way, we saw 2 accidents, many cars driving just as fast as they would in good weather conditions, but also many cars pulling off to the side because they...