#abetterversionofme2018 I've been feeling very grateful lately, for a variety of things. One of those things is the position of employment I currently find myself in - that of an Elementary Lead Teacher. This might sound surprising to many of you, as you've likely noticed (or heard of) how much I've struggled with not working directly with the students inside a classroom full time this year. I've realized though that this is probably happening for a reason. There is no doubt that I learned a lot in my previous schools, but this year I've been offered a very unique opportunity. A chance to take a step back, to breathe, to find balance, to reflect, to participate in online courses, to read books, to research, to observe new and experienced teachers in action and to be apart of other facets of the education system. I've truly learned so much! One of several sessions at Starbucks completing assignments for my online course - Teaching English Language Learners...