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Showing posts from July, 2021


#thebestisyettocome2021   “Make every breath count.” Seeing as I’m currently on a mission to gain a better understanding of the human body and how to optimize health, wellbeing and performance, it only seems fitting that I look into one of the most basic human instincts - breathing. I feel like practicing breathing techniques has become somewhat of ‘a trend’ these last few years and that it is regularly being recommended to individuals dealing with stress in particular. That said, I have often wondered if people ( including myself ) truly understand why breathing is of such a large importance.  The book “Breath”, by James Nestor, was recently recommended to me by a friend and I am so delighted to have had the time to read it over the last few weeks. Throughout the book, the author shares some of his own experiences related to breathing; tests he did, experiments he participated in, researches he pursued and encounters he had with a variety of individuals from around the world....

In the FLO

#thebestisyettocome2021 “Go with the flow.” About 6 or 7 months ago, I started developing a greater interest in weightlifing and powerlifting. As I increasingly trained these 2 disciplines, I noticed more than ever that my body didn’t quite feel the same week to week; some weeks I felt incredibly strong and others I felt astonishingly weak using the same amount of weight on the barbell ( or less ). There’s no doubt that we all have good and bad days when we train and that there are a variety of factors that could impact our performance in the gym, such as sleep, nutrition and stress just to name a few, but as the weeks progressed I began noticing a pattern and I felt the need to inquire a little further into what was happening within my body. At the same time when I started developing an interest in learning more about the female body and its relationship with training, a close friend of mine was experimenting with dietary changes to help with other female-related issues she was experi...

The Mind-Gut Connection

#thebestisyettocome2021 "A stressed out mind and body usually leads to a stressed out gut."  If you've spoken to me over the last 2 years, I've probably told you all about how I've been experiencing odd "stomach" problems.  Despite the fact that I look completely normal on the outside and can perform all of my daily tasks, including working out, unfortunately these persistent "stomach" problems I have been experiencing have taken a toll on my sleep quality and quantity as well as on my overall sense of wellbeing.  At this point, I've seen several doctors, I've done many tests, I have cut out numerous food items, I have invested in a long list of supplements and I have changed some of my daily habits, all of which have sadly led to very little relief.  I've just recently finished reading a book called "The Mind-Gut Connection" by Dr. Emeran Mayer and though I couldn't quite grasp and retain all of its contents (it was q...