When I was younger I dreamt about visiting Mexico. I had an apparent passion for learning Spanish and new things about the latin culture. Little did I know, this passion would go far beyond Mexico and Spanish.
5 years ago, I started teaching at an amazing French school called Pavillon de la jeunesse in Hamilton, Ontario. This school brought forth many challenges, but with every obstacle I surpassed, I learnt so much about myself and the World around me. I was lucky enough to work with a very multicultural group of kids who in the end probably taught me just as much as I taught them. Thank you to all the students and staff members I was privileged to work with in the last 5 years!
After my first year teaching, my passion for learning about new cultures and for helping others fuelled me to go on my first humanitarian trip. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into at the time, but the experience was absolutely life changing. Within about 3 years, I went to the Dominican Republic 3 times with a great group now called Live Different-Hero Holiday. On every one of those trips I was able to push myself a little further into different situations I had never dreamt of encountering before such as building houses and working in a garbage dump. Thank you to everyone on those Hero Holiday trips; the staff, the participants and all the great people I met and worked with in the communities.
Just over a year ago, my dad brought home a newspaper article about a girl doing humanitarian work in Peru. He knew right away that this article would interest me, and he was so right! I got in contact with the person of interest and next thing I knew, I was signing up for my 4th humanitarian trip, but this time in Peru. I was so excited to push myself even further this time, travelling to a new destination with a new group of people. What a great experience it was! I got to teach English to kids and to some of the local teachers. Every minute of it was rewarding! Once again, a big thanks to everyone on that trip; Solidarity in Action (SIA) staff, participants and everyone in the communities!
Teaching and going on humanitarian trips have been very valuable experiences for me, but I have also done a few trips just for pleasure and they have been just as great. I have travelled to Brazil, Argentina (only for a few hours), Chile and just recently, I FINALLY made my way to MEXICO! My long-time dream came true!
Everything I have experienced thus far in life has allowed me to grow and to learn so much about myself, but I am far from done! There is so much more I want to learn! So, in just over a month, I will be starting a new chapter in my life. I will be moving to Dubai to teach French in the primary level at an international school called Greenfield Community School (GCS). I am ready to confront the new challenges that will be presented to me. I look forward to pushing myself, once again, just a little further in order to grow and to learn more about myself, my profession, my passions, new cultures, new people, new languages...
Please stay tuned for updates...
Thank you to EVERYONE (tagged or accidentaly forgotten) who has been a part of my life thus far! Pavillon de la jeunesse, Live Different - Hero Holiday, Solidarity in Action (SIA), Zumba crew, family and friends! Believe me, you have all hepled me grow and chase my dreams!
The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true.
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