#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 |
"Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth.”
Back in 2012, I made the decision to move abroad
and to teach internationally.
and to teach internationally.
For several years prior, I had been contemplating the idea,
but quite honestly, I was nervous - VERY nervous.
but quite honestly, I was nervous - VERY nervous.
I enjoyed travelling to different countries
and learning about new cultures,
and learning about new cultures,
but the thought of leaving my life in Canada
and moving away on my own was a scary one.
and moving away on my own was a scary one.
So, what drove me to finally make the move?
- The idea of challenging myself.
- The idea of challenging myself.
First week in Dubai, UAE - 2012 |
The idea of challenging myself has been really important to me,
particularly since the moment I decided to move abroad.
Constantly taking risks has led me to grow as a person
and to empower myself,
and to empower myself,
all while accomplishing great things, meeting wonderful people,
living interesting experiences and exploring magnificent places.
Some of the challenges I've taken on over the last 8 years
- CrossFit, Soccer, Running, Coaching, Teaching, Cooking
Now, it's not always easy to be a risk-taker.
Personally, I overthink EVERYTHING, I doubt myself ALOT,
I OFTEN experience anxiety, I tend to have HIGH expectations
and I have quite a LONG list of fears.
Nevertheless, over the years, I have realized that
the vaste majority of my most wonderful memories
the vaste majority of my most wonderful memories
have stemmed from moments of discomfort
and so that's why I continue to push myself
beyond what I sometimes believe are my limits.
and so that's why I continue to push myself
beyond what I sometimes believe are my limits.
Regularly challenging my 'limits' in the gym
I’m not looking to “make it big” with anything I do.
I don’t care about being the best, being the most popular,
being the richest (financially), winning awards
or making it onto any large scale platforms.
or making it onto any large scale platforms.
All I want to do is step out of my comfort zone, be brave,
continuously challenge myself to improve and to try new things
and to become the very best version of myself.
One of my latest challenges - AfroDance
"If you don't challenge yourself, you will never realize what you can become."
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