#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 |
"Within you is the power to rise above any situation or struggle,
and transform into the brightest, strongest version of you EVER!"
I'm embarrassed to admit that over the last few weeks,
I have found myself spiraling with an unpleasant feeling of negativity.
The ultimate breaking point occurred as I received the news that I tested positive for COVID-19
and that I needed to self-isolate for 14 days.
That particular moment felt like 'THE END OF THE WORLD'
(Ok; maybe that’s a little overly dramatic!).
I just kept thinking to myself:
"Really? Why me? Haven't I endured enough? Could it get any worse?"
After spending multiple hours feeling sorry for myself and wiping tears off of my face,
I knew I needed to dig deep and find my inner strength.
Facing adversity and experiencing stress is inevitable.
However, if we constantly see stress as being negative,
we can experience some very unpleasant effects
physically, cognitively, behaviourally, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.
It is crucial we find ways to deal with stress in a positive manner.
Initially, we should allow ourselves to feel our pain and our raw emotions.
Then, we ought to utilize a variety of coping strategies,
such as exercising, meditating, journaling, doing mindful coloring and practicing yoga
(These are some of my go-tos!).
Next, we must look at adjusting (controlling what we can),
changing our perspective (turning our challenges into opportunities)
and moving forward (it is what it is).
More often than not, if we take these ‘simple’ steps, life becomes more manageable and enjoyable.
There is no doubt that finding our inner strength when we’re going through a rough patch is difficult.
As we experience stressful moments in a face-paced society,
we can sometimes lose ourselves and feel as if we have no control over anything.
The key is to find occasions to slow down, stop, step back, take a break and allow our
mind, body and soul the chance to reset (ideally before a complete meltdown).
"It is worth remembering that the time of greatest gain
in terms of wisdom and inner strength
is often that of greatest difficulty."
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