#respecttheoldseekoutthenew2022 "Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more." I still remember some of the Christmas gatherings we had as children. There were quite a few times when we would hop in the car and travel several hours to visit our grandparents, aunts and uncles, as well as our cousins. We use to really look forward to opening gifts on Christmas eve and/or on Christmas morning. Above all though, when I think back, the best part of the winter holidays was definitely spending time with one another. The last Christmas we all spent together was in 2015 I believe. As we've grown older and the family dynamics have changed ( passings, relocations, marriages, babies, job commitments, goals and dreams... ), Christmas gatherings have become more challenging and unfortunately less frequent. This holiday season, I could've remained in Dubai, as I've done on a few prior occasions, or of course I could ha...