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Showing posts from 2020

Find Your Smile: REFLECT

#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 “Look back so the view forward is even clearer.” I think most people would agree that 2020 has been...well… unexpected, unusual, destabilizing, uncomfortable, interesting and enriching. In order to make sense of what has been a pretty strange year,  I believe it is worth taking some time to reflect  on what we have learned (or been reminded of) and how we have grown. Below are some of my biggest takeaways from the last 12 months  (*see previous posts for more details). There is so much to be grateful for and there is always a reason to smile; The best way to live life is through various types of experiences; Love your family, your friends and most of all love yourself; The choice is yours to control your response to whatever is happening; Be adaptable to change, embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities; Keep things in perspective; Keep an open-mind, listen to others stories and celebrate differences; Find the right people to have...


#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 "Never underestimate the investment you make in yourself." For several years now, I’ve intentionally been working towards  creating a better version of myself.  One particular action that’s successfully pushed me to improve myself is that of setting goals; e.g. attending Zumba/PTS/FIS/CrossFit Level 1 courses, completing additional qualifications courses for teaching, running marathons, competing in fitness competitions,  travelling to the 7 Wonders of the World… Setting goals, working towards them and reaching them  has kept me motivated, has given me a sense of fulfillment, has led me to new opportunities  and overall has enriched my life, in more ways than one. Sadly, with so many challenges over the last year or so,  some of the goals I had in mind coming into 2020 have not been attainable.  That being said, I have shifted my energy towards new intentions  and I have found other ways to profitably invest in myself. Pr...


#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 "Just be yourself and stay true to your core values." When I moved to Dubai in 2012,  I was appalled that I wasn’t able to enter  some of the most trendy clubs without wearing a pair of heels.  Despite the fact that I grew up wearing dresses as a figure skater,  I’ve never really been known to be a ‘girly girl’  and wearing dresses and heels isn’t exactly a regular occurrence for me. I’ve evolved A LITTLE since then, but still, I don’t ‘dress-up’ very often. A few weeks ago, a guy was surprised when I mentioned that I rarely wear (or even own for that matter) make-up and heels and he preceded by wishing me good luck in finding a date. Of course, his blunt reaction and snarky comment did not sit well with me. For a moment, I wondered: ‘Is this really what all guys look for? Is something wrong with me? Do I need to make some changes?’ However, after some time passed, I reminded myself that just because I don’t meet this individ...


#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 "Within you is the power to rise above any situation or struggle,  and transform into the brightest, strongest version of you EVER!" I'm embarrassed to admit that over the last few weeks,  I have found myself spiraling with an unpleasant feeling of negativity.  The ultimate breaking point occurred as I received the news that I tested positive for COVID-19  and that I needed to self-isolate for 14 days.  That particular moment felt like 'THE END OF THE WORLD'  ( Ok; maybe that’s a little overly dramatic ! ).  I just kept thinking to myself:  "Really? Why me? Haven't I endured enough? Could it get any worse?"  After spending multiple hours feeling sorry for myself and wiping tears off of my face,  I knew I needed to dig deep and find my inner strength. Facing adversity and experiencing stress is inevitable.  However, if we constantly see stress as being negative,  we can experience some very unpleasant e...


#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 "Challenge yourself;  it’s the only path which leads to growth.”  Back in 2012, I made the decision to move abroad  and to teach internationally.  For several years prior, I had been contemplating the idea,  but quite honestly,  I was nervous - VERY nervous.  I enjoyed travelling to different countries  and learning about new cultures,  but the thought of leaving my life in Canada  and moving away on my own was a scary one.  So, what drove me to finally make the move?  - The idea of challenging myself.  First week in Dubai, UAE - 2012 The idea of challenging myself has been really important to me,  particularly since the moment I decided to move abroad.  Constantly taking risks has led me to grow as a person  and to empower myself,  all while accomplishing great things, meeting wonderful people,  living interesting experiences and exp...

Find Your Smile: FIND YOUR TRIBE

#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 “Be true to you and the right people will show up.”   Finding good people to surround ourselves with is critical, especially for an expat.  Being away from family can be challenging at times,  but when we find the right individuals to let into our lives,  it makes living abroad so much better.  "Your vibe attracts your tribe." Most would agree that it’s human nature to seek companionship and to want to feel like we belong, but connecting with others isn’t always easy.  It takes some effort, a certain level of confidence and most importantly  a thorough understanding of who we are. At times, we may find ourselves trying to impress,  but unfortunately, when we do that,  we often compromise our character.  Ultimately, we should want to gravitate towards and attract  people who share some of the same interests, traits, values, morals and outlook on life.  Bondin...