#SoManyReasonsToSmile2020 “Look back so the view forward is even clearer.” I think most people would agree that 2020 has been...well… unexpected, unusual, destabilizing, uncomfortable, interesting and enriching. In order to make sense of what has been a pretty strange year, I believe it is worth taking some time to reflect on what we have learned (or been reminded of) and how we have grown. Below are some of my biggest takeaways from the last 12 months (*see previous posts for more details). There is so much to be grateful for and there is always a reason to smile; The best way to live life is through various types of experiences; Love your family, your friends and most of all love yourself; The choice is yours to control your response to whatever is happening; Be adaptable to change, embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities; Keep things in perspective; Keep an open-mind, listen to others stories and celebrate differences; Find the right people to have...